Saturday, May 2, 2009



Dr D Shina is teaching Commerce in the Graduate and Post Graduate levels for the last 28 years in various colleges of Kerala. She is now a senior faculty member of Sree Narayana College, Kollam a premiere higher education centre under the University of Kerala and is currently working on a study on the impact of load shedding in the industrial sector in the state, a project financed by the University Grants Commission of India. She took her post graduate degree from Sree Narayana College,Kollam and her M Phil and Ph D from the university of Kerala. Her major area of interest is Electricity Finance and has written several research as well as polpular articles in research journals and news papers.Her recent book, jointly autherd with Dr M Sarngadharan on Indian Electricity Industry in Public Sector published by Cooperjal Ltd, UK was widely noticed
Dr D Shina
Lecturer (Selection Grade)
S N college, Kollam - 1,
Kerala - 691001
No 11 - Aradhana Nagar
Kollam - 1 ,Kerala - 691001
Phone +91 474 2760260